Exploring the Groundbreaking Book: "The Fourth Treatment for Medical Refugees" by Nobuhiro Yoshimizu

Posted by Biomatstores.com on 21st Sep 2023

Exploring the Groundbreaking Book: "The Fourth Treatment for Medical Refugees" by Nobuhiro Yoshimizu


"The Fourth Treatment for Medical Refugees: Thermotherapy in the New Century" by Nobuhiro Yoshimizu is a groundbreaking book that explores the potential of thermotherapy (hyperthermia treatments) as a new treatment option for various types of cancer. Yoshimizu, a renowned Japanese doctor, presents his research and experiences with thermotherapy, highlighting its benefits and potential applications in the modern fight against cancer.

Cover for the book The Fourth Treatment for Medical Refugees: Thermotherapy in the New Century

According to Yoshimizu, the three standard Western medicine options for the treatment of cancer are surgery, radiation, and chemotherapy. These methods have seen significant developments over time. For instance, the advent of laparoscopy has minimized patient burdens and allowed for quicker discharges. New developments in radiation technology enable precise targeting of cancer cells. Moreover, targeted cell therapy allows for customized chemotherapy for various cancer patients, analyzing the patient's genes to distinguish who might be more susceptible to the treatment, reducing the need for unnecessary operations.

The text discusses thermotherapy as a fourth treatment option for cancer patients in addition to the standard three options of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation. It argues that thermotherapy can both kill cancer cells and improve the immune system. Thermotherapy involves heating the body to increase the temperature by 1 degree Celsius, which can improve immunity by 40%. Cancer cells are vulnerable to heat above 42 degrees Celsius. The text also discusses supplement therapies and detoxification treatments to reinforce the immune system and remove toxins from the human body. Fasting therapy is recommended to strengthen immunity, normalize detoxification functions, and improve symptoms caused by unhealthy eating habits. Hot baths, far infrared ray therapy, and drug-induced fever treatments are various methods of thermotherapy.

Yoshimizu explores the use of a specific method of thermotherapy known as whole-body hyperthermia. This method involves raising the body's core temperature to induce therapeutic effects.  He uses Richway Amethyst Biomats to conduct his clinical trials.

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In the book, the Richway Amethyst Biomat is highlighted as a crucial tool to use for thermotherapy. The Biomat is described as a revolutionary device that combines the healing power of amethyst crystals, far infrared rays (infrared therapy), and negative ions to provide therapeutic benefits to patients. The book emphasizes the Biomat's ability to promote circulation, detoxification, and relaxation, which are essential for improving overall health and well-being. It also discusses how the Biomat can be used in conjunction with other treatments to enhance their effectiveness. The author presents scientific evidence and case studies to support the use of the Richway Amethyst Biomat as a valuable tool in the field of thermotherapy.

Yoshimizu emphasizes the importance of whole-body hyperthermia (the infrared therapy from the Amethyst Biomat) as a treatment option for various medical conditions. He believes that this method can effectively stimulate the immune system, enhance circulation, and promote detoxification, leading to improved health.

The author argues that whole-body hyperthermia is particularly effective in treating chronic diseases such as cancer, autoimmune disorders, and metabolic disorders. By raising the body's temperature, this therapy aims to activate immune cells and increase the production of heat shock proteins, which play a crucial role in cellular repair and regeneration.

Yoshimizu also highlights the benefits of whole-body hyperthermia in detoxification. He suggests that this therapy can help eliminate toxins and heavy metals from the body, thereby reducing the burden on organs and promoting better overall health.

Furthermore, the author explores the concept of "medical refugees" in his book. He refers to individuals who have exhausted conventional medical treatments and seek alternative options. According to Yoshimizu, whole-body hyperthermia offers hope to these medical refugees, providing them with a potential solution to their health challenges.

Overall, Yoshimizu's book advocates for the use of whole-body hyperthermia as an effective method of thermotherapy. Through his research and clinical experience, he presents evidence supporting the benefits of this treatment approach for cancer and other chronic diseases.

"Scientific Fact: Exposure to far infrared rays is the key to preventing metastatic cancers and strengthening immunity." - Nobuhiro Yoshimizu

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Points of Interest:

Introduction to Thermotherapy: Yoshimizu introduces the concept of thermotherapy, which involves using heat to treat various medical conditions. He explains the science behind gemstone thermotherapy (infrared therapy from the Amethyst Biomat) and how it can be used to stimulate the body's natural healing mechanisms.

History of Thermotherapy: The author delves into the historical background of thermotherapy, tracing its origins in ancient civilizations and its evolution over time. He discusses how different cultures have used heat for therapeutic purposes and the impact it has had on medical practices.

Benefits of Thermotherapy: Yoshimizu highlights the numerous benefits of thermotherapy, including its ability to raise core body temperature, enhance blood circulation, boost the immune system, reduce inflammation, and promote detoxification. He explains how these benefits can lead to improved overall health and well-being. Yoshimizu argues that thermotherapy allows for other cancer treatments, such as chemotherapy and radiation, to be more effective.

"The relationship between our immune system and body temperature is very important. If our body temperature is around 36°C, our body will have a sufficient amount of immune functions. However, if our body temperature is around 35°C, our immune functions will decline. A 1°C drop in our body temperature will cause our immune function to decline by 40% and a low body temperature will create an environment where various diseases can be active in our body. A 1-degree increase in body temperature results in a 40% increase in immunity and 43°C causes cancer cell death Because cancer cells favor low body temperatures, it is favorable for our body to increase its temperature by 1°C in order to create a body that is able to effectively fight off cancer cells. However, since a normal cell's temperature is limited up to 40°C due to the cooling effects of blood flow, they will not be as affected as the tumor cells." - Nobuhiro Yoshimizu

Applications of Thermotherapy: The book explores the various medical conditions that can be treated with thermotherapy. Yoshimizu discusses its potential in treating cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, autoimmune disorders, and chronic pain. He provides case studies and testimonials from patients who have experienced positive results. He points out that it was proven in the 1960s that thermotherapy showed promising effects on cancer that did not respond well to radiation.

Practical Implementation: Yoshimizu provides practical guidance on how to incorporate thermotherapy into a patient's treatment plan. He discusses the different methods of heat application, such as saunas, hot baths, and infrared therapy. He also emphasizes the importance of proper temperature control and safety precautions.

Holistic Approach: The author promotes a holistic approach to healthcare, combining thermotherapy with other natural therapies and lifestyle changes. He emphasizes the importance of nutrition, exercise, stress management, and emotional well-being in achieving optimal health outcomes.

Controversies and Criticisms: Yoshimizu acknowledges the controversies and criticisms surrounding thermotherapy as a medical treatment. He addresses concerns about its effectiveness, safety, and potential side effects, providing a balanced perspective on the subject.

Future of Thermotherapy: The book concludes with a discussion on the future of thermotherapy and its potential to revolutionize medical treatments. Yoshimizu envisions a future where thermotherapy becomes an integral part of mainstream medicine, offering new hope for patients with various health conditions.

Overall, "The Fourth Treatment for Medical Refugees: Thermotherapy in the New Century" offers a comprehensive exploration of thermotherapy as a viable treatment option. Yoshimizu's research, combined with his practical insights and patient stories, provides a compelling argument for the integration of thermotherapy into modern medical practices.

DOWNLOAD A FREE COPY OF "The Fourth Treatment for Medical Refugees: Thermotherapy in the New Century" by Nobuhiro Yoshimizu

About Nobuhiro Yoshimizu

Nobuhiro Yoshimizu was a former advisor at Yokohama General Hospital, Vice President of the Cyberknife Center of Yokohama General Hospital where there is the highest number of cyberknife cases.  Director of the Nakamachi Garden Clinic, developer of the treatment solution which integrates thermotherapy with the combination of physical therapy and immunity-strengthening therapy, with a specialty in neurosurgery and emergency medicine, member of the Japan Oncology Association.

1968 - Yoshimizu graduates from Toho University and joined the Department of Neurosurgery and Tokyo University. 
1973 - Studied at the Mayo Clinic.
1974 - Professor of neurosurgery at the medical school of Jichi University.
1981 - Vice President of the Neurosurgical Department at Taisan Tashinaga Hospital.
1992 - Director of Neurosurgical Center at Yokohama General Hospital.


To read about how the Biomat can help with cancer by alleviating the side effects of chemotherapy, see our blog post: The Richway Biomat: A Natural Solution for Dealing with Chemotherapy Side Effects.

To read more about the Biomat stimulates heat shock protein production and to learn more about heat shock proteins, read our blog post: Boosting Your Immune System with the Richway Biomat and Heat Shock Proteins

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