Ultrasound Toothbrushes for Dogs: How Do They Work and Who Benefits Most?

Posted by BiomatStores.com on 26th May 2024

Ultrasound Toothbrushes for Dogs: How Do They Work and Who Benefits Most?

Brief overview of the importance of dental care for dogs

Dental care is an essential aspect of overall health and well-being for dogs. Just like humans, dogs can suffer from dental problems, including bad breath, periodontal disease, and tooth decay. Ignoring their dental hygiene can lead to severe health issues, causing pain and discomfort for your furry friend.

One of the most common dental problems in dogs is periodontal disease, which affects almost 80% of canines by the age of three. This condition occurs when bacteria build-up on the teeth and gums, forming a sticky film called plaque. If not removed, plaque hardens into tartar, which irritates the gums, causes inflammation, and ultimately leads to tooth loss.

Apart from causing pain and discomfort, dental issues can have broader impacts on a dog's health. The bacteria in the mouth can enter the bloodstream, affecting vital organs such as the heart, liver, and kidneys. This can lead to systemic infections and contribute to more serious health problems in the long run.

Regular dental care is crucial for maintaining your dog's oral health. Here are a few essential steps to ensure your furry friend has healthy teeth and gums:

1. Regular Brushing: Brushing your dog's teeth at least two to three times a week is a great way to remove plaque and prevent tartar build-up. Start by introducing your dog to tooth brushing gradually. Use a dog-friendly toothbrush and toothpaste to avoid any discomfort or harm.

2. Balanced Diet: Providing a well-balanced diet can contribute to good dental health. Feeding your dog high-quality, dry kibble instead of soft or canned food helps remove plaque from the teeth while chewing.

3. Dental Treats and Toys: Including dental treats and toys in your dog's routine can help prevent plaque build-up. Chewing on sturdy toys and treats designed for dental care can reduce tartar and massage the gums.

4. Regular Veterinary Check-ups: Routine dental check-ups and cleanings by a veterinarian are essential for your dog's oral health. A veterinarian will thoroughly examine your dog's teeth and recommend appropriate treatments if needed.

In conclusion, maintaining proper dental care for your furry friend is as important as other aspects of their well-being. Regular brushing, a balanced diet, and periodic veterinary check-ups can significantly improve your dog's oral health. By following these simple measures, you can ensure your beloved pet has a healthier mouth, leading to a happier and longer life.

Introduction to ultrasound toothbrush for dogs

Are you tired of struggling to clean your furry friend's teeth? Introducing the latest innovation in dental hygiene for dogs - the ultrasound toothbrush! Developed specifically for our canine companions, this revolutionary device takes dental care to new heights, ensuring a healthier and brighter smile for your four-legged family member.

Dental problems in dogs are far too common and often overlooked. Neglected oral health can lead to a host of issues, including bad breath, plaque buildup, gum disease, and even tooth loss. Regular brushing is crucial to maintaining optimal oral hygiene, but many dog owners find it challenging to get their pets to cooperate during brushing sessions. Some dogs simply despise the process, making it an arduous task for their caregivers. That's where the ultrasound toothbrush comes into play.

Using innovative ultrasonic technology, this toothbrush offers a gentle yet effective cleaning experience for your furry friend. The ultrasound waves emitted by the brush create microscopic bubbles in the toothpaste, allowing them to penetrate even the most inaccessible areas of your dog's mouth. These bubbles safely remove plaque, tartar, and bacteria, ensuring a thorough cleaning without causing any discomfort.

Also known as "ultrasonic toothbrushes", one of the key advantages of an ultrasound toothbrush for dogs is its ability to clean below the gum line. Traditional toothbrushes often struggle to reach this area, where harmful bacteria tend to accumulate, leading to inflammation and other periodontal diseases. The ultrasound waves generated by the brush can easily access these vulnerable spots, promoting healthy gums and preventing potential dental issues.

Designed with your dog's comfort in mind, the largest advantage to an ultrasound toothbrush is that there is no vibration and no noise...at all.  Ultrasound does not require "brushing" in the traditional sense, one of the hardest aspects to overcome when trying to brush a dog's teeth.  Its one thing to get your dog to allow you access to its mouth enough to even get a toothbrush inside it's mouth, but its a whole other thing to get them to allow you to brush their teeth.  An ultrasound toothbrush requires absolutely no brushing.  All that's needed is for your dog to allow the brush to be placed against the teeth.

When it comes to oral health, prevention is always better than treatment. Regular use of an ultrasound toothbrush can significantly reduce the risk of dental problems in dogs. By incorporating this innovative tool into your dog's dental care routine, you are taking a proactive step towards ensuring their overall well-being.

Not only does an ultrasound toothbrush save you the hassle of wrangling with your dog during brushing sessions, but it also saves you from spending a fortune on expensive dental procedures down the line. Regular brushing can prevent the need for professional teeth cleaning or extractions, helping to preserve your dog's oral health while saving you both time and money.

The ultrasound toothbrush for dogs is a game-changer in the field of canine dental care. With its ultrasonic technology, soft bristles, and ability to reach below the gum line, this innovative device makes brushing a breeze for both you and your furry friend. Don't compromise on your dog's oral hygiene - invest in an ultrasound toothbrush and give them the gift of a happier, healthier smile.

At this time, there are only two ultrasound toothbrushes available: the Emmi®-Pet Ultrasonic Toothbrush and the Mira-Pet Ultrasonic Dog Toothbrush.

Dog holding ultrasound toothbrush in its mouth

What is an ultrasound toothbrush for dogs?

An ultrasound toothbrush for dogs is a revolutionary dental care product that aims to improve canine oral health. Unlike traditional toothbrushes, which require manual effort, an ultrasound toothbrush utilizes advanced technology to provide a thorough and effortless cleaning experience for our furry friends.

The ultrasound toothbrush operates at an ultrasonic frequency, generating millions of sound waves per second. These waves create microscopic bubbles in the toothpaste or cleansing solution that, upon impact, gently dislodge plaque, tartar, and food particles from the dog's teeth. This innovative device not only cleans the visible surfaces but also reaches deep into the gum line, targeting the often-neglected areas where bacteria tend to build up.

Many dog owners struggle with brushing their pet's teeth due to resistance or difficulty reaching every nook and cranny. However, the ultrasound toothbrush is designed to simplify this task. It features a user-friendly, ergonomic handle grip for easy maneuverability, allowing pet owners to effortlessly reach all areas of their dog's mouth. The bristles are soft and gentle, ensuring a comfortable brushing experience for dogs with sensitive gums.

One of the key advantages of using an ultrasound toothbrush is the efficiency with which it cleans. Studies have shown that ultrasound toothbrushes are far more effective at removing plaque than traditional brushing methods alone. When combined with regular dental check-ups and professional cleanings, the ultrasonic toothbrush can significantly reduce the risk of oral diseases such as gum inflammation, periodontitis, and tooth decay.

Regularly using an ultrasound toothbrush can also have other positive effects on a dog's overall health. By maintaining proper oral hygiene, dogs are less likely to develop infections or abscesses that, if left untreated, can lead to more severe health complications. Moreover, clean teeth and gums can help prevent bad breath, a common problem among our furry companions.

Introducing an ultrasound toothbrush into a dog's dental care routine requires patience and gradual acclimation. The device should be gradually introduced to familiarize the dog with its vibrations and sounds. It is important to note that while the ultrasound waves are safe and painless, some dogs may take time to adjust to the new sensation. Nevertheless, with consistent training, dogs can develop a positive association with the toothbrush, making dental care a stress-free experience for both pet and owner.

How ultrasound helps clean teeth

Maintaining good oral hygiene is an essential aspect of overall health. Regular dental check-ups, along with brushing and flossing, can help prevent dental issues such as cavities and gum diseases. But have you ever wondered how dentists achieve that squeaky-clean feeling during a routine dental cleaning? Well, it's all thanks to the power of ultrasound waves. All dentists now use ultrasonic scalers and just about every veterinarian uses an ultrasonic scaler during pet dentals as their primary tool to remove plaque and tartar from the dog or cat's teeth.

Ultrasound waves have established themselves as a significant tool in various medical fields, including dentistry. Through a process known as ultrasonic scaling, dentists can effectively remove plaque, tartar, and other debris from the teeth and gum line using an ultrasonic scaler.

So, how does this technology work, and what makes it so effective? The concept behind ultrasound cleaning lies in the high-frequency sound waves that it produces. When electric current passes through the ultrasonic device, it creates mechanical vibrations that translate into sound waves with frequencies higher than what the human ear can perceive. These waves are then transmitted through a metal rod or tip attached to the device.

When the ultrasonic scaler's tip comes into contact with the tooth's surface, it creates a vibrating movement in water at an incredible speed, thousands of times per second. These vibrations cause the formation of tiny bubbles in the water irrigating the tip, a process known as cavitation. These bubbles then collapse rapidly, generating shockwaves that target and dislodge the plaque and calculus adhered to the teeth. 

Additionally, the powerful ultrasonic vibrations disrupt the bond between the bacteria and biofilm, promoting their removal. This helps to prevent the buildup of harmful bacteria that could lead to cavities and gum diseases.

Unlike traditional dental cleaning methods, which rely on manual scraping with metal instruments, ultrasonic scaling provides several advantages. Firstly, it allows for more precision and efficiency, reaching areas that may be difficult to access manually. Its vibrating motion ensures that not only the visible parts of teeth are cleaned but also the areas below the gum line.

Moreover, ultrasonic cleaning is less time-consuming, making it a preferred choice for both patients and dentists. With fewer repetitive motions required, the cleaning process becomes expedited, leading to a reduction in appointment durations.

Furthermore, ultrasound waves eliminate the need for excessive pressure, minimizing discomfort during the cleaning process. They can efficiently target the debris without any associated pain, resulting in a more comfortable experience for patients.

The same technology, only in a softer form, is what ultrasound toothbrushes are using.  Instead of a targeted, more "hard" form of the technology, ultrasound toothbrushes use the same concept in a gentler form because although ultrasonic scalers are safer than traditional metal scrapers dentists used 20 years ago, they are still dangerous to teeth and gums when used by untrained hands.  However, ultrasound toothbrushes are much safer and can be used by anyone without the worry of damaging teeth or gums.

Ultrasonic toothbrushes use gentle ultrasound waves to form nanobubbles in the toothpaste to break up bacteria chains that have formed on the teeth and gums. There is no need for vibration as the sound waves are produced by electricity flowing into a microchip that produces the sound waves.  There is no need for actual brushing because the sound waves and nanobubbles do all of the work.

How does an ultrasound toothbrush work?

An ultrasound toothbrush has revolutionized oral hygiene practices, bringing forth a new level of cleaning power and efficiency. Let's delve into the world of this advanced dental tool and uncover how it works.

At first glance, an ultrasound toothbrush may resemble a regular electric toothbrush. However, it operates on a different principle altogether. Instead of relying on rotating bristles or oscillating heads, an ultrasound toothbrush employs high-frequency sound waves to pulsate through the oral cavity, effectively removing plaque and debris from the teeth.

The process begins with the microchip in the ultrasound toothbrush head producing vibrations without vibrating the toothbrush. These pulsations produce sound waves at an astonishingly high frequency, typically around 1.6 million vibrations per minute. The sound waves, together with the toothpaste and saliva, produce a vibrational force on the teeth without the toothbrush vibrating at all or making any noise. The sound waves travel along the bristles and into the toothpaste or gel applied onto the brush head. As the waves come into contact with the toothpaste, they transform the paste into a micro-bubble foam.

This foam plays a crucial role in the cleaning process. The tiny bubbles generated by the ultrasound waves are highly effective at reaching even the most inaccessible areas of the teeth, including the spaces between them and around the gum line. The microscopic bubbles implode rapidly, exerting a scrub-like action that dislodges and lifts off the plaque, tartar, and stains on the teeth.

Ultimately, the efficiency of an ultrasound toothbrush lies in its ability to remove unwanted deposits and bacteria without vigorously scrubbing or brushing teeth. The gentle vibration of the brush head and the resulting micro-bubble foam ensure a thorough, yet non-abrasive clean, preventing damage to tooth enamel and gum tissues. Furthermore, this technology has been proven to reach areas that traditional toothbrushes often miss, making it an optimal choice for maintaining optimal oral health.

Another notable feature of ultrasound toothbrushes is their ability to eliminate harmful bacteria residing on the brush head. They come equipped with advanced self-cleaning capabilities. This intelligent design prevents the risk of reintroducing harmful microorganisms into the mouth during brushing, ensuring a hygienic dental routine.

Ultrasonic waves and their effect on dental plaque

Ultrasonic waves, often associated with medical procedures and imaging techniques, have proven to be an effective tool in fighting dental plaque. Dental plaque, the sticky film that develops on teeth, is a breeding ground for harmful bacteria that can lead to tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health issues. While regular brushing and flossing can remove some plaque, certain areas of the mouth can be hard to reach, making it difficult to achieve a thorough cleaning. This is where ultrasonic waves come into play.

Ultrasonic waves are high-frequency sound waves that are beyond the range of human hearing. In dentistry, they are generated by ultrasonic scalers, which are handheld devices with a small, vibrating metal tip. When the scaler tip touches the tooth’s surface, it emits ultrasonic waves that create tiny bubbles in a water spray, a process known as cavitation. As these bubbles collapse, they generate a powerful force that disrupts and removes dental plaque, calculus, and stains from the tooth's surface and below the gumline.

The effect of ultrasonic waves on dental plaque is impressive. Not only do they clean areas that are difficult to reach with traditional methods, but they also disrupt the bacterial biofilm – the slimy layer that forms on the plaque. Biofilms are known to be highly resistant to antimicrobial agents, making them challenging to eliminate. However, the mechanical disruption caused by ultrasonic waves weakens the biofilm structure, making it easier to remove and decreasing the risk of bacterial reattachment.

Moreover, ultrasonic scalers are efficient in removing calculus, a hardened form of plaque that cannot be removed by brushing alone. Calculus build-up can trap more plaque, so removing it is essential for maintaining oral health. By utilizing the vibrational energy of ultrasonic waves, the scalers effectively break down calculus deposits, reducing the risk of gum disease and improving the overall health of the gums.

In addition to their plaque-removing capabilities, ultrasonic waves have other advantages when used in dental procedures. They can be adjusted to different power levels, allowing for precise control and minimization of discomfort for patients. The vibrations produced by the ultrasonic scaler also have a therapeutic effect on the gum tissues, stimulating blood flow and aiding in wound healing.

However, it is important to note that while ultrasonic scalers are highly effective, they should be used with caution. In untrained hands, excessive pressure or incorrect use can cause damage to the tooth’s surface or the surrounding soft tissues. Therefore, it is crucial to seek professional dental care to ensure the safe and effective use of ultrasonic scalers.

But ultrasonic toothbrushes do not need trained hands because they are using the same technology but in a much gentler application. The ultrasonic scaler is made to target a tiny area so the sound waves are more condensed. Spreading them out over a toothbrush head and making the sound waves travel down the bristles spreads the sound waves out more and greatly lessens their strength. This still makes them effective for long term dental care while taking the danger of damage out of the equation. And with the automatic shut-off feature, this makes ultrasonic toothbrushes perfect for daily dental care.

Emmi-Pet Ultrasonic Toothbrush

Blood circulation in the gums

Blood circulation in the gums is an essential aspect of oral health, often overlooked in our daily dental care routines. A robust blood supply is crucial for maintaining healthy gums, as it ensures the delivery of oxygen and vital nutrients to the gum tissues, while also removing waste products and toxins effectively.

When the gums are healthy, they have a firm pink appearance and are tightly attached to the teeth. This healthy state is owed in part to the excellent blood circulation that occurs in the gums. The network of blood vessels in this region supplies nourishment to the gum tissues, keeping them strong and resilient.

The proper blood circulation in the gums supports an important defense mechanism against infection. When bacteria and plaque accumulate along the gum line, the gums become inflamed and prone to gingivitis, the earliest stage of gum disease. Impaired blood flow can hinder the body's ability to fight off these harmful bacteria, making the condition more difficult to manage. Adequate blood circulation aids in the body's natural response to infection, promoting healing and preventing the progression of gum disease.

Furthermore, blood circulation plays a crucial role in the maintenance of healthy gum tissue. Regular physical activity, such as brushing and flossing, stimulates blood flow to the gums, promoting cell turnover and regeneration. This process helps to repair any damaged gum tissue and maintain a strong barrier against harmful bacteria.

However, poor oral hygiene and certain health conditions can compromise the blood circulation in the gums. Plaque buildup, which forms when bacteria and food particles are not adequately removed, can lead to gum disease. As plaque hardens into tartar, it creates a barrier between the gums and teeth, preventing proper blood flow to the gums.

Ultrasound toothbrushes have been proven to improve circulation in the gums while lowering the risk of bleeding gums due to brushing. Since there is no need to actually brush the teeth, this makes the ultrasound toothbrush much better to use on gums that are unhealthy to begin with. Ultrasound toothbrushes are perfect for those that need to rehabilitate the gums of their pets.

Comparison with traditional, electric, and sonic pet toothbrushes

When it comes to maintaining proper dental hygiene for pets, the use of a suitable toothbrush is essential. Traditional pet toothbrushes have been used for years, but with the advancement in technology, electric toothbrushes specifically designed for pets have emerged as an alternative. Specifically, "sonic toothbrushes" like Sonic Care made by Phillips have been cloned to be used for dogs and cats.  Sonic toothbrushes have fast become the better choice for dental care for pet owners and humans alike.

One key difference between traditional and electric pet toothbrushes lies in their design. Traditional brushes often come with a long handle and bristles angled at a specific degree for easier access to all areas of the pet's mouth. On the other hand, electric pet toothbrushes incorporate rotating or vibrating brush heads to effectively clean the teeth without much effort from the pet owner. This design not only ensures better overall cleaning but also minimizes the discomfort experienced by the pet during the brushing process.

For years, electric toothbrushes made specifically for pets were preferred over traditional non-electric toothbrushes because it took less time to properly brush the teeth and with less effort by the pet owner.  But in recent years, sonic toothbrushes for pets have emerged to take a lead in the pet toothbrush market.  

The main difference between a standard electric toothbrush and a sonic toothbrush for pets is the number of vibrations per minute the toothbrush made.  To be considered "sonic", a toothbrush must have at least 20,000 oscillations per minute and some sonic toothbrushes have up to 90,000 per minute. The more times the brush goes back and forth inside of a minute, the cleaner the teeth become in a shorter amount of time.  Since both electric and sonic toothbrushes have vibration to them that often times scares pets and makes it harder to gain access to their mouths, this leaves the door open to the improvement made by ultrasound toothbrushes that don't vibrate at all making it less scary for pets.

Benefits of using an ultrasound toothbrush for dogs

Keeping our furry friends' teeth clean and healthy is crucial for their overall well-being. Dental problems in dogs are not only painful but can also lead to various health issues if left untreated. Regular brushing is, therefore, essential to maintain optimal dental hygiene in our canine companions. While traditional toothbrushes are commonly used, the emergence of ultrasound toothbrushes for dogs has revolutionized dental care for our four-legged friends. Let's explore the benefits of using an ultrasound toothbrush in detail.

1. Effective Plaque and Tartar Removal: Ultrasound toothbrushes for dogs utilize high-frequency sound waves to effectively remove plaque and tartar buildup from their teeth. These sound waves create tiny bubbles that implode, dislodging even the most stubborn plaque. By targeting the entire tooth surface, including those tough-to-reach areas, ultrasound toothbrushes ensure a thorough cleaning, minimizing the risk of dental problems and associated bad breath. Not only that, but unlike most other toothbrushes, the ultrasound toothbrush gets into interdental spaces that cannot easily be reached, especially on a dogs teeth.

2. Gentle and Non-Invasive: One of the key advantages of ultrasound toothbrushes is their gentle and non-invasive approach. The sound waves generated by these brushes provide a soothing massage-like sensation to the dog's gums, making it a comfortable experience. This is particularly beneficial for dogs with dental sensitivity or those who are resistant to traditional brushing. The gentle massage by sound waves and bubbles is way less scary than hearing the vibration and feeling the movement from electric toothbrushes and help reduce stress and fear associated with brushing. This enables a more positive dental care routine and differs immensely from the oscillation vibrations of an electric or sonic toothbrush.  The dog or cat feels and hears no vibration at all because the toothbrush itself does not vibrate.

3. Promotes Oral Health: Regular use of an ultrasound toothbrush promotes good oral health in dogs. By preventing the accumulation of plaque and and the formation of tartar, these devices significantly reduce the risk of gum disease, tooth decay, and oral infections. Additionally, the massage effect of the sound waves improves blood circulation in the gums, promoting healthy tissue growth and faster healing in case of any minor gum injuries.

4. Convenient and Time-Saving: Ultrasound toothbrushes are designed to be user-friendly and time-saving and ultrasound toothbrushes have an automatic shut-off feature after the recommended brushing time, ensuring that you maintain the appropriate duration for each brushing session.

5. Enhances Overall Well-being: Dental problems in dogs can lead to discomfort, pain, and even loss of appetite. By keeping their teeth clean and healthy, an ultrasound toothbrush contributes to their overall well-being. A healthy mouth reduces the risk of developing systemic diseases that may affect the heart, liver, kidneys, and other vital organs. Good oral hygiene also means fresher breath, allowing you and your furry friend to enjoy closer interactions and cuddles without any unpleasant odor.

Specific features of an ultrasound dog toothbrush

If you're a pet owner, you know that taking care of your furry friend's dental hygiene is essential for their overall health and well-being. While regular brushing is recommended for dogs, using an ultrasound dog toothbrush takes dental care to a whole new level. These innovative devices offer specific features that make them effective and efficient in promoting optimal oral health for pets.

One of the key features of an ultrasound dog toothbrush is its ability to reach deep into the gums and teeth. Traditional toothbrushes may only clean the surface of the teeth, leaving plaque and tartar buildup in hard-to-reach areas. Ultrasound toothbrushes emit ultrasonic waves, which create microscopic bubbles that implode. This implosion process reaches areas that traditional brushing cannot, effectively removing plaque, tartar, and harmful bacteria that can cause periodontal disease.

Another noteworthy feature of an ultrasound dog toothbrush is its gentle yet thorough cleaning action. Pets may find brushing uncomfortable or distressing, making dental care a challenging task for pet owners. However, ultrasound toothbrushes operate silently and gently, ensuring a stress-free experience for your furry friend. Though providing abrasion by brushing after or before a ultrasound toothbrushing session helps, it is not necessary.  The brush can be simply placed against the teeth to work.  It requires no motion and for a lot of dogs, this may mean the difference between them allowing their owners to brush their teeth or not.

Professional uses for ultrasound toothbrushes for dogs


For the professional groomer, these ultrasound toothbrushes are a great way to add a service to their menus.  Since the ultrasound toothbrush is so easy to use and doesn't scare the pet, groomers can offer dental services without much hassle.  Ultrasound toothbrush companies have bulk pricing for brush heads so that they are not transferring bacteria from one dog to another. 

Holistic Vets

Holistic veterinarians are more likely to find value in these toothbrushes than a general practice DVM just because they make it less likely the pet will need dentals which traditional vets make a lot of money from.  Holistic vets are usually looking for non-invasive solutions for common health issues and are less likely to resort to surgery or pharmaceuticals.  Ultrasonic toothbrushes are perfect for holistic vets that want to help their customers with their pets' dental health without scaring the pet or adding surgery to the pet's life.

Mira-Pet Ultrasonic Toothbrush for Dogs

Personal uses for ultrasound toothbrushes for dogs

Every year, more and more dogs are experiencing more and more health issues due to climate change, toxins in the environment (especially in the soil), bad breeding practices, over-vaccination, and processed food diets (kibble).  As the human world advances, it makes it harder and harder for pets to exist within it.

More and more pet owners are having to rely on prescription diets and there is a huge pool of dogs and cats that now have allergies or digestive tract disease.  If you have one of these pets, then you know every single ingredient you put into your pet's mouth brings risk, and this includes those ingredients found in toothpaste and other dental solutions for dogs.

Allergic Dogs

When a dog or cat has an allergy, most veterinarians would recommend a restricted, or "elimination", diet.  This narrows down the possibility that the dog or cat will have an issue and helps identify what the issues are.  But usually once a diet is established that the pet can handle, the vet will also recommend not tempting fate and to not introduce new ingredients that the pet could possibly have a reaction to.  Not many people know, unless they have allergies themselves or pets with them, that allergy tests can only test ingredients that the pet has had prior exposure to.  So introducing new ingredients down the line is risky.

Most times a pet is allergic to food, its protein.  So many "hypoallergenic" food, dental chews, toothpastes are vegetarian or vegan.  Ultrasound toothbrush companies for pets understand this and have a vegetarian option that still creates the nanobubbles necessary for the toothbrush to work.

GI Tract Compromised Dogs

With diseases like IBS and IBD, an animal can get sick (even fatally so) if it eats something that irritates its GI tract.  This includes things it is allergic or intolerant to and like pets with allergies, its recommended that they eat "limited ingredient" diets and that things such as dental chews and toothpaste be vegetarian. 

Finding a solution for your pets teeth when there is a risk that the toothpaste can cause issues is an ongoing struggle for all pet owners with allergic or immune-compromised dogs.  The ultrasonic toothbrush provides a lower-risk solution for these pets.

Who Makes Ultrasound Toothbrushes?


The very first company to make an ultrasonic toothbrush for dogs is Emmi-Ultrasonic.  Emmi-Pet Ultrasonic Toothbrush was introduced in 2008.  

Emmi®-ultrasonic, a German company, specializes in developing, manufacturing, and selling ultrasonic devices worldwide. Their patented ultrasound products use miniaturized chips and innovative technology for cleaning, prophylaxis, and therapy in oral and dermatological areas since 2008. Most emmi®-ultrasonic companies are part of the EMAG AG GROUP, focused on health, beauty, and wellness. The company has been developing revolutionary ultrasound technologies for oral hygiene and teeth cleaning since 2005, drawing on experience from various industries like hospitals, racing, and aviation.

EMAG AG has over 20 patents globally and a dedicated research and development department. Their goal is to improve people's quality of life by making ultrasound technologies accessible for home use. Through continuous research and development, the company aims to explore new applications of ultrasound for health and beauty, enhancing people's well-being now and in the future.


Mira-Pet, developed by Techmira AG, offers an innovative, ultrasound oral hygiene solution for pets, the Mira-Pet Dog Toothbrush. Combining science, nature, and technology, Techmira has created products that improve oral health, skin, and repair skin damage. With years of research and real-world testing, Mira-Pet is a vibration-free oral hygiene solution for pets with periodontal issues. The development team behind Mira-Pet has over 50 years of experience in ultrasonic devices and dental care. Manufactured in Germany and Switzerland, Mira-Pet ensures the highest quality standards. The mission of Mira-Pet is to provide efficient dental cleaning for dogs without anesthesia, ultimately extending their lives. The goal is to offer anesthesia-free dental care that can be easily done at home in just a few minutes per treatment, making it stress-free for both pets and owners.

Mira-Pet was founded uses basically the same ultrasound technology as Emmi-Pet, though they had to relocate the microchip because Emmi-Pet has the patent for putting the microchip in the brush head behind the bristles. 

To date, there are only two companies producing ultrasonic toothbrushes. Emmi-Pet Ultrasonic Toothbrush and Mira-Pet Dog Toothbrush are pioneering products in the ongoing mission to better the dental care of millions of dogs worldwide.

For another holistic health solution for your dogs, take a look at the Richway Biomat, especially the Mini Biomat.  Increase circulation, relax muscles, and provide joint and muscle pain relief with this far infrared therapy mat.