Negative Ions
What are negative ions and how do they help us?
We've all heard the phrase, "Smell that fresh air!" Usually, when we say this, we are in the mountains, beach, or somewhere out in nature. But have you ever asked yourself why the air in these places "smells fresh"? There are two reasons that work against each other. In cities, the pollution from cars and people decreases the amount of negative ions in the air. However, when in nature, you are experiencing the birth of negative ions generated from things like waves crashing, condensation, waterfalls, plants, and lightning. All of these things replenish the air with negative ions. So what you are "smelling" is the absence of pollution in the air due to an abundance of negative ions. For air to be "fresh" and healthy, an abundance of negative ions is needed. Negative ions are nature's air cleaners.
Negative ions are electrically charged molecules or atoms in the air. An ion (positive or negative) is made when a gaseous molecule or atom receives enough high energy to eject an electron.

Positive ions lose an electron in this process. Negative ions gain an electron. Plants, lightning, the force of a wave or waterfall crashing, radiant cosmic rays hitting Earth, sunlight...all of these things provide the catalyst (energy) that is needed for this process. So it makes sense that the "freshest" air would be where these things happen the most.

But it's more than just air that smells good, right? Fresh air makes us feel good, which brings us to another popular phrase: "I'm going to go get some fresh air." Usually, when that's said, it means we have some thinking to do. Well, as coincidence may have it, there's actually research that supports negative ion therapy potentially having a positive impact on our cognitive performance with short-term exposure and evidence that suggests it may help people with depression.
That same research suggests negative ions could help sleep patterns and mood, reduce stress, improve the immune system, increase metabolism and kill or prevent the growth of dangerous bacteria, viruses, and mold, such as E. coli, Staphylococcus aureus, and the bacterium that causes tuberculosis. The same study found that devices that generate negative ions can help to reduce pollution particulates that are up to 5 feet off the ground by 97%.
Negative ions are also an anti-oxidant. Free radicals are unstable molecules that the body produces as a reaction to the environment and other pressures and antioxidants prevent or slow damage to cells caused by them.
The biomat produces negative ions
The Richway Biomat produces negative ions by way of the TOCA layer (see Layer 5) made of black tourmaline fabric. Tourmaline emits an abundance of negative ions when pressure is applied to it. Pressure is applied by the heat of the infrared light and also when the user lies on it. Both amethyst and tourmaline produce far infrared radiation and negative ions.
Biomat benefits don't just come from infrared heat. While your body is being warmed by the vibrational far infrared rays, it is also taking in vital negative ions that help relax your mind and body while breathing better quality air. For healing to happen, all essential functions must be at optimal status and pairing these two therapies together provides just that!
Research Shows That Negative Ions Have a Beneficial Affect On Many Aspects of Human Health

Negative Ion Research
The TOCA layer in Richway's Biomats is responsible for generating negative ion therapy. TOCA, which stands for "Tourmaline Catch Powder," is a fabric infused with 20 minerals, including tourmaline and chrome. This infusion creates a natural ionization process that produces 1500 ions per cubic centimeter. When combined with the electronic ion production from other layers in the Bio-Mat, the total ion output reaches 1800 ions per cubic centimeter. In comparison, popular ion bracelets typically generate about 1500 ions per cubic centimeter. The previous model of the Amethyst Biomat only produced 300 ions per cubic centimeter through electronic means. The Biomat 7000mx can be compared to a high-powered ion bracelet, as its significant impact on energy fields can be felt simply by placing a hand on it. Negative ions act as nature's air purifiers and the more abundant they are in the air you breathe, the cleaner the air becomes.
In 1991, Erwin Neher and Bert Sakmann won the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine "for their discoveries concerning the function of single ion channels in cells". Basically, Neher and Sakmann identified ion channels and showed how electrically charged ions could open the membrane to a cell allowing the passage of information, by way of ion channels, from cell to cell. Cell communication is key to our health at a cellular level. Without communication, disease forms. At this time, we already knew that negative and positive ions existed, but we had no proof of how they affected cell communication. The research performed by Sakmann and Neher opened up a new age for cellular biology. Life itself begins with a change in cell membrane potential that is only possible when a negative ion comes into contact with the membrane. Ion channels are activated as the sperm enters the egg to allow them to merge and become the first cell of a new life.
Negative ions help to regulate the function of ion channels and that regulation is the basis not only for life itself but also for all cell communication and activity.
Negative ions remove airborne particles like dust and smoke from the air molecules producing health effects like better breathing and oxygenation of the blood.
Most people are aware that the human body is made up of 75% water, but what they don’t seem to be aware of is that 90% of the weight of that water is oxygen. No other nutrient is more important to our health than oxygen. Without it, humans will die within a few minutes. Oxygen is carried to every part of the body by red blood cells in order for living tissues to keep living and operating normally. When oxygen is not of good quality or is lacking, we immediately feel lethargic, heavy, and non-energetic. When it is plentiful and good quality, we feel refreshed, vibrant, and lighter on our feet. We need oxygen to retard collagen breakdown, prevent premature aging, and for our bodies to be able to use Vitamin C. Oxygen is also a great purifier in that it helps remove wastes from the body. It kills germs, viruses, amoebas, parasites, fungi, and yeasts. It resolves pathogenic moisture in the form of edema, mucus, cysts, tumors, and arterial plaque. Negative ions are also known to lower blood pressure.
Studies have shown that living outside city areas equates to longer lives as living in rural areas comes with air quality being doubled. In Chinese culture, qi (life energy) is supplied by the air you breathe and the food you eat. It has been accepted universally as a scientific fact that the quality of air is determined by how the number of negative ions in a given amount of air: the more negative ions there are, the healthier the oxygen.
We have established above that negative ions are generated by certain forces of nature and that the air around waterfalls, waves crashing, lightning strikes, and plants is much healthier than air in other places. Again, how many times have you heard someone say, “Smell that fresh air” while out in nature? Those are negative ions you smell.
Fresh air comes with many health benefits. Breathing in clean, fresh air provides numerous benefits for the body. Firstly, fresh air helps to oxygenate the blood, improving circulation and boosting energy levels. It also strengthens the immune system, making the body more resilient to illnesses and infections. In addition, fresh air helps to clear the lungs of pollutants and toxins, reducing the risk of respiratory problems such as asthma and allergies. It can also improve mental well-being, as fresh air has been shown to reduce stress, anxiety, and depression. Spending time outdoors in fresh air also promotes physical activity, which is crucial for maintaining a healthy weight and reducing the risk of chronic diseases. Overall, fresh air is vital for maintaining optimal health and well-being.
Research has shown that negative ions can have a positive impact on mood and focus. Studies have found that exposure to negative ions can increase levels of serotonin, a neurotransmitter that plays a crucial role in regulating mood and emotions. This can lead to improved feelings of well-being and reduced symptoms of depression and anxiety. Additionally, negative ions have been found to enhance cognitive performance and focus. One study even found that negative ion therapy improved attention and cognitive performance in individuals with ADHD.
A comprehensive 2018 review included researchers looking at 100 years of studies and found evidence that proved negative ions helped with many areas of health. The review showed that negative ions reduce stress, increase the health of the immune system, help regulate sleep patterns and mood, increase the metabolism (breakdown) of cards and fat, and kill or inhibit the growth of bacteria, fungi, and viruses.
In 2006, a study showed that negative ions can significantly enhance the cytotoxic activity of natural killer (NK) cells (A type of immune cell with small particles with enzymes that can kill tumor cells or cells infected with a virus).
A 2017 study was done on how negative ions can benefit health tourism environments such as spas, health resorts, and wellness tourism destinations. The study suggested that enriching the oxygen in these places with negative ions would make the experience better and help to support the therapies being given in these places and even specified which areas of human health being addressed in these places would benefit the most, including rheumatology, neurology, dermatology, and immunology.
A 2005 study concluded that negative ions are an effective treatment for chronic depression. In 2013, that conclusion was reinforced with another study that found that negative ions helped to lower depression.
According to, studies at the University of Columbia show that negative ions areas effective at alleviating depression as antidepressants. also says that negative ions increase oxygen to the brain, which “results in higher alertness, decreased drowsiness, and more mental energy.” They also state that negative ions protect us from germs.
Thanks to extensive research and development, Richway Fuji-Bio has included what has become "Layer Five", also known as the TOCA Layer, in the 17-Layer construction of the Biomat 7000mx. This layer provides enough negative ions for you to reap the benefits of negative ion therapy. The TOCA layer is a huge improvement on the technology that currently exists for generating negative ions artificially.
Any questions? Feel free to call us at 850-348-1541.