The Amethyst Biomat: A Natural Aid for Digestive Issues Including Loss of Appetite From Chemotherapy

Posted by on 29th Sep 2023

The Amethyst Biomat: A Natural Aid for Digestive Issues Including Loss of Appetite From Chemotherapy

The Richway Biomat is an FDA-approved medical device that combines advanced technology with the healing properties of far-infrared rays and negative ions. This innovative product has gained popularity for its ability to promote relaxation, reduce pain, and improve overall well-being. In addition to these benefits, the Biomat has been found to have a positive impact on digestion. In this article, we will explore the ways in which the Richway Biomat affects the body to help with digestion and how it can help those undergoing chemotherapy with their loss of appetite.

What Is A Richway Amethyst Biomat?

The Amethyst Biomat is an infrared therapy mat that combines the healing properties of amethyst crystals, far infrared rays, and negative ions to provide a wide range of health benefits. It is a unique therapeutic tool that harnesses the power of nature to promote relaxation, detoxification, pain relief, and increased circulation as well as many other healing benefits.

At the core of the Amethyst Biomat is a layer of amethyst crystals, which are known for their healing properties. Amethyst is a semiprecious gemstone that has been used for centuries to promote physical and emotional healing. It wasn't until a few decades ago that humans discovered that amethyst is a super-conductor of far infrared rays.  Amethyst naturally emits these rays but when heated, it amplifies their strength by 200 times, enabling the infrared light waves to penetrate the human body 6-8 inches. This produces a radiant heat that, unlike heating pads, warms you from the inside out with a healing heat.

Far-infrared rays are a type of electromagnetic radiation in the invisible part of the spectrum of light. When the body is exposed to far-infrared rays, it absorbs the energy, which stimulates the production of nitric oxide. Nitric oxide is a molecule that helps to relax blood vessels, improve circulation, and reduce inflammation. 

The Biomat emits far-infrared rays in the range of 6 to 12 microns, which is the same range that the human body naturally emits. This allows the body to readily absorb the energy and experience the benefits. The far-infrared rays gently warm the body, promoting relaxation and increasing blood flow to the muscles and tissues. Infrared heat therapy can help to relieve muscle tension, reduce pain, and accelerate the body's natural healing process.

Another important feature of the Amethyst Biomat is the production of negative ion therapy. Negative ions are charged particles that are abundant in natural environments such as forests, waterfalls, and beaches. They have been shown to have a positive impact on mood, energy levels, and overall well-being. When negative ions are absorbed into the body, they help to neutralize free radicals, reduce oxidative stress, and enhance the body's natural ability to detoxify.

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The Amethyst Biomat uses its patented ToCa layer (see 17-layer construction of Biomat) When heated, the tourmaline releases negative ions, which are then absorbed into the body through the skin. This helps to balance the body's energy, improve circulation, and enhance the body's natural detoxification processes.

Using this infrared mat is a simple and relaxing process. It is designed to be used on a flat surface such as a bed or massage table. The user lies on it and can adjust the temperature and intensity of the far-infrared rays to their desired level of comfort using the heat settings on the computerized control panel made by Texas Instruments. The Biomat can be used for short periods of time for a quick energy boost and pain relief or for longer periods for more intensive therapeutic benefits.

The Amethyst Biomat has been used by people around the world to address a wide range of health concerns. It has been found to be effective in reducing pain and inflammation, improving circulation, boosting the immune system, promoting relaxation and sleep, detoxifying the body, and enhancing overall well-being. Many users report feeling more energized, rejuvenated, and balanced after using it regularly.

The FDA has approved the Biomat for temporary relief of minor muscle and joint pain, stiffness, arthritis-related pain, muscle spasms, sprains, strains, muscular back pain, muscle relaxation, and temporary increase of local circulation.

How The Richway Amethyst Biomat Can Help Digestion

Improved Blood Circulation

One of the key ways in which the Biomat aids digestion is by improving blood circulation throughout the body. The far-infrared rays emitted by the Biomat penetrate deep into the tissues, promoting vasodilation and increasing blood flow. There is an increase in peripheral blood flow and volume. This increased circulation helps to deliver oxygen and nutrients more efficiently to the digestive organs, optimizing their function and enhancing digestion.

Muscle Relaxation

Digestion relies on the coordinated movement of muscles in the gastrointestinal tract. When these muscles are tense or contracted, digestion can be compromised, leading to issues such as bloating, indigestion, and constipation. The far-infrared heat generated by the Biomat helps to relax these muscles, allowing for smoother and more efficient digestion.  The Biomat is FDA-approved for the relaxation of muscles.

Stress Reduction

Stress has a significant impact on digestion. When we are stressed, our bodies enter a fight-or-flight response, diverting blood flow away from the digestive system and toward our muscles and vital organs. This can lead to a range of digestive issues, including decreased nutrient absorption and slowed peristalsis. The Biomat's far-infrared rays and negative ions promote deep relaxation, reducing stress levels and helping to restore normal digestive function.


The Biomat's far-infrared rays have been found to stimulate the body's natural detoxification processes. Toxins and waste products can build up in the digestive system over time, leading to inflammation and impaired digestion. The deep-penetrating heat of the Biomat helps to activate sweat glands, promoting the elimination of toxins and heavy metals through the skin. This detoxification process can help relieve digestive discomfort and improve overall digestive health.

Raising Core Body Temperature

Far infrared rays produce a deep heat that can raise core body temperature, and can significantly aid in digestion. When the body is exposed to the infrared heat generated by the Biomat, blood circulation is improved, leading to increased oxygen and nutrient supply to the digestive organs. This enhanced blood flow helps to stimulate the digestive system, promoting the secretion of digestive enzymes and enhancing the absorption of nutrients.  

Pain Relief

Digestive issues such as acid reflux, gastritis, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can cause significant pain and discomfort. The far-infrared heat emitted by the Biomat has analgesic properties, helping to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation in the digestive system. By providing natural pain relief, the Biomat can help individuals with digestive disorders find relief and improve their overall quality of life.

Improved Sleep Quality

Sleep plays a crucial role in digestion. During sleep, the body carries out essential repair and regeneration processes, including those related to digestion. Lack of sleep or poor sleep quality can disrupt these processes, leading to digestive issues. The Biomat's far-infrared rays and negative ions promote deep relaxation and restful sleep, allowing the body to carry out its digestive functions more effectively.

Woman sleeping on Biomat with content look on her face. Her head is resting on Amethyst Pillow.

Enhanced Nutrient Absorption

Proper digestion is essential for the absorption of nutrients from the food we eat. When digestion is compromised, nutrient deficiencies can occur, leading to a range of health issues. The Biomat's ability to improve blood circulation and relax the muscles of the digestive system with the gentle warmth generated by far infrared rays helps to optimize nutrient absorption. Negative ions speed up cell function and, as a result, nutrition is better absorbed at the cellular level, and waste material is eliminated quicker. This leads to optimal cellular function. By enhancing the body's ability to extract and utilize essential nutrients, the Biomat supports overall digestive health and promotes optimal nutrition.

Balancing Gut Microbiota

The gut microbiota, a complex community of microorganisms in the digestive system, plays a crucial role in digestion and overall health. Imbalances in the gut microbiota can lead to digestive disorders, such as bloating, diarrhea, and constipation. The Biomat's far-infrared rays and negative ions have been found to have antimicrobial properties, helping to restore balance to the gut microbiota and support healthy digestion.

Overall Wellness

Digestion is closely interconnected with overall health and well-being. When digestion is compromised, it can impact various aspects of our lives, including energy levels, mood, and immune system function. The Richway Biomat's multifaceted benefits, including improved circulation, muscle relaxation, stress reduction, detoxification, pain relief, enhanced nutrient absorption, and balanced gut microbiota, all contribute to overall digestive health and promote a sense of wellness.

The Amethyst Biomat Can Help With Loss Of Appetite Due to Chemotherapy

Chemotherapy is a common treatment for cancer that involves the use of powerful drugs to kill cancer cells. While it can be effective in fighting cancer, chemotherapy also comes with a range of side effects, including nausea, vomiting, and loss of appetite. These side effects can make it difficult for patients to consume enough calories and nutrients, leading to weight loss, weakness, and a compromised immune system.

One of the ways in which the Richway Amethyst Biomat can help chemotherapy patients with poor appetite is by promoting relaxation and reducing stress. It becomes much harder to want to eat when someone is experiencing anxiety and infrared heat relaxes the body and mind.

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In addition to promoting relaxation, infrared therapy also helps to improve circulation. The far infrared rays emitted by the Biomat penetrate deep into the body, increasing blood flow to the affected areas. This increased circulation can help improve the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to the cells, including those involved in digestion and appetite regulation. By improving circulation, infrared heat can help stimulate the appetite and make it easier for chemotherapy patients to eat.

Another way in which the Biomat can help chemotherapy patients with poor appetite is through its ability to reduce pain and inflammation. Cancer treatment can often cause pain and inflammation in the body, which can further diminish the patient's appetite. The far infrared rays emitted by the mat have been shown to have analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, helping to alleviate pain and reduce inflammation. By reducing pain and inflammation, the Biomat can help improve the patient's overall comfort and make eating a more enjoyable experience.

Furthermore, the Richway Amethyst Biomat has been found to help improve sleep quality, which can also have a positive impact on appetite. Chemotherapy patients often experience disturbed sleep patterns, which can further contribute to their loss of appetite. Far infrared rays and negative ions help to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. By getting a good night's sleep, chemotherapy patients may wake up feeling more refreshed and with an increased appetite.

Additionally, the Amethyst Biomat emits negative ions, which are molecules that have a positive impact on mood and help with depression, anxiety, and mental health.  By emitting negative ions, the Biomat can create an environment that promotes a positive mood and emotional well-being, which can help improve the patient's appetite.

It is important to note that while the Richway Amethyst Biomat can provide relief for chemotherapy patients with poor appetite, it should not be seen as a replacement for medical treatment or nutritional support. Chemotherapy patients should always consult with their healthcare team and follow their recommendations for managing side effects and maintaining proper nutrition.

Learn More About How The Amethyst Biomat Can Help With Cancer Pain And The Side Effects Of Chemotherapy:

The Richway Biomat: A Natural Solution for Dealing with Chemotherapy Side Effects

Exploring the Groundbreaking Book: "The Fourth Treatment for Medical Refugees" by Nobuhiro Yoshimizu

The George Grant Study: How the Richway Amethyst Biomat Can Reduce Cancer Pain