The Richway Biomat: A Muscle Relaxation Tool for Acupuncturists, Physical Therapists, Chiropractors, and Massage Therapists

Posted by on 5th Oct 2023

The Richway Biomat: A Muscle Relaxation Tool for Acupuncturists, Physical Therapists, Chiropractors, and Massage Therapists

How Does The Biomat Relax Muscles?

The Richway Biomat is a revolutionary FDA-approved medical device that utilizes advanced technology to provide various health benefits, including muscle relaxation. The Biomat combines the healing properties of far infrared rays, negative ions, and amethyst crystals to create a soothing and therapeutic experience.

One of the primary ways in which the Richway Biomat relaxes muscles is through the use of far infrared rays. Far infrared rays are a form of invisible light that penetrate deep into the body, generating heat and increasing blood circulation. When the Biomat is used, the far infrared rays gently penetrate the muscles, promoting relaxation and relieving tension. This increased blood flow helps to deliver oxygen and nutrients to the muscles, while also removing toxins and metabolic waste products that can contribute to muscle stiffness and soreness.

Furthermore, the Richway Biomat emits negative ions, which are negatively charged particles that are abundant in natural environments such as forests, waterfalls, and beaches. Negative ions have been shown to have a positive impact on mood and focus. They can help to reduce stress and anxiety, which are common contributors to muscle tension. By promoting a sense of calm and relaxation, the negative ions emitted by the Biomat can indirectly relax muscles and alleviate muscle-related discomfort.

Additionally, the Richway Biomat incorporates amethyst crystals, which are natural emitters of far infrared rays.  When the amethyst is heated by the mat, those light rays intensify by 200 times their natural strength and length. The warmth the rays produce reduces stress, promotes relaxation, and enhances sleep quality. By creating a tranquil environment and promoting a state of deep relaxation, the amethyst crystals in the Biomat can help relax muscles.

Healers Who Benefit Most From The Biomat's Ability To Relax Muscles

Certain types of health practitioners, including acupuncturists, chiropractors, physical therapists, and massage therapists, greatly benefit from patients who have relaxed muscles. When muscles are relaxed, it allows these practitioners to perform their respective treatments more effectively.

For acupuncturists, relaxed muscles make it easier to insert needles into specific acupuncture points, enhancing the flow of energy and promoting overall healing. Chiropractors rely on relaxed muscles to manipulate the spine and joints, as tense muscles can hinder adjustments and limit their effectiveness.

Physical therapists can work more efficiently with relaxed muscles, as it allows for a better range of motion and flexibility during rehabilitation exercises. Massage therapists benefit from relaxed muscles because it allows them to apply deeper pressure and target specific areas of tension, promoting relaxation and pain relief.

Let's explore exactly how each of these health practitioners can benefit from the Richway Biomat's ability to relax muscles. 

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Closeup of hand with a couple acupuncture needles in it

How Can Acupuncturists Benefit From Patients With Relaxed Muscles?

Easier needle insertion

When a patient's muscles are relaxed, it becomes easier for the acupuncturist to insert the acupuncture needles. The relaxed muscles allow for a smoother and more comfortable insertion process, reducing any potential discomfort or pain for the patient.

Increased effectiveness of treatment

Relaxed muscles allow for better access to the acupuncture points, ensuring that the needles reach the desired areas more accurately. This can enhance the effectiveness of the treatment, as the needles can stimulate the targeted points more effectively and relax muscles faster.

Improved energy flow

In traditional Chinese medicine, it is believed that the body's energy, known as Qi, flows through specific meridians. When the muscles are relaxed, the flow of Qi can be more unobstructed. This can lead to a better balance of energy and improved overall health and well-being.

Reduced muscle tension and pain

Relaxing the muscles can help alleviate muscle tension and reduce pain. This can be particularly beneficial for patients who are seeking acupuncture treatment for musculoskeletal issues, such as back pain, neck pain, or muscle soreness.

Enhanced relaxation response

When the muscles are relaxed, it can trigger a relaxation response in the body, promoting a sense of calm and reducing stress levels. This can create a more conducive environment for healing and allow the patient to experience deeper relaxation during the acupuncture session.

Improved range of motion

Relaxed muscles can lead to increased flexibility and improved range of motion. This can be advantageous for patients who are seeking acupuncture to address mobility issues or to enhance athletic performance.

Facilitated diagnosis

When the muscles are relaxed, it can be easier for the acupuncturist to assess the patient's condition. The acupuncturist can more accurately palpate and identify areas of tension or imbalance, aiding in the diagnosis and formulation of an appropriate treatment plan.

Enhanced overall patient experience

When the patient's muscles are relaxed, it can contribute to a more comfortable and enjoyable experience during the acupuncture session. This can help build trust and rapport between the acupuncturist and the patient, enhancing the overall therapeutic relationship.

How Can A Chiropractor Benefit From Patients With Relaxed Muscles?

Easier Adjustments

Relaxed muscles allow for easier manipulation and adjustment during chiropractic treatments. When muscles are tense or contracted, it can make it difficult for a chiropractor to effectively realign the spine or other joints.

More Pain Relief

Patients with relaxed muscles are more likely to experience greater pain relief and improved mobility following chiropractic adjustments. Tight muscles can contribute to discomfort and restricted movement, so when these muscles are relaxed, patients can experience greater relief from pain and an improved range of motion.

Prevent Injuries

Relaxed muscles can help to prevent future injuries or the reoccurrence of existing injuries. When muscles are tense or tight, they can put additional strain on the joints and increase the risk of injury. By promoting muscle relaxation, chiropractic care can help to reduce this strain and minimize the likelihood of future injuries.

Improve Blood Flow

Chiropractic adjustments can help to improve blood circulation and lymphatic drainage, which can be beneficial for muscle relaxation. Increased blood flow and lymphatic drainage can help to reduce inflammation and promote healing, leading to relaxed muscles and improved overall well-being.

Improved Posture

Relaxed muscles can also contribute to improved posture. When muscles are tense or tight, it can cause imbalances in the musculoskeletal system and lead to poor posture. Chiropractic care can help to address these imbalances and promote proper alignment, which can result in relaxed muscles and improved posture.

More Restful Sleep

Patients with relaxed muscles may experience better sleep quality. Tense or tight muscles can contribute to discomfort and difficulty sleeping. By promoting muscle relaxation, chiropractic care can help to alleviate these issues and improve sleep quality.

Improved Mental Health

Relaxed muscles can also have a positive impact on mental well-being. Chronic muscle tension or pain can lead to increased stress and anxiety. Chiropractic care can help to relieve muscle tension and pain, which can contribute to reduced stress levels and improved mental health.

Man lying on massage table while a massage therapist rolls his back with a massager.

How Can Massage and Physical Therapists Benefit From Patients With Relaxed Muscles?

More Effective Treatments

Massage and physical therapists benefit from patients with relaxed muscles because it allows them to perform their treatments more effectively. When muscles are relaxed, it is easier for therapists to manipulate and work on specific areas of the body, leading to more successful outcomes.

Reduced Pain

Relaxed muscles also help to reduce pain and tension in the body. When patients have relaxed muscles, they experience less discomfort during treatments and are more likely to experience relief from their symptoms.

More Results

Patients with relaxed muscles are more receptive to the benefits of massage and physical therapy. When muscles are tense and tight, it can be more challenging for therapists to achieve the desired results. However, when muscles are relaxed, patients are more open to the therapeutic techniques and are more likely to respond positively to the treatments.

Improved Circulation

Relaxed muscles improve circulation and blood flow. When muscles are relaxed, blood can flow more freely throughout the body, delivering oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and removing waste products. This improved circulation can enhance the overall healing process and promote better overall health.

More Flexibility

Patients with relaxed muscles may experience improved flexibility and range of motion. When muscles are tense and tight, they can restrict movement and limit flexibility. However, when muscles are relaxed, patients may find it easier to move and perform exercises, leading to improved mobility and functionality.

Less Stress

Relaxed muscles can aid in stress reduction and relaxation. Massage and physical therapy treatments often have a calming effect on the body and mind. When muscles are relaxed, patients may experience a sense of relaxation and reduced stress levels, which can have numerous benefits for their overall well-being.

Better Posture

Patients with relaxed muscles may experience improved posture. Tense muscles can contribute to poor posture and alignment, leading to discomfort and potential musculoskeletal issues. However, when muscles are relaxed, it can be easier for patients to maintain proper posture, reducing strain on the body and promoting better spinal alignment.

Enhances Other Treatments

Relaxed muscles can enhance the effectiveness of other treatments. For example, if a patient is receiving chiropractic adjustments or acupuncture, having relaxed muscles can make it easier for these treatments to be performed and can enhance their overall effectiveness.

Better Sleep

Patients with relaxed muscles may experience better sleep. Tension and tightness in the muscles can contribute to sleep disturbances and insomnia. However, when muscles are relaxed, patients may find it easier to fall asleep, stay asleep, and experience more restful sleep.

Improve Customer Satisfaction

Finally, massage and physical therapists benefit from patients with relaxed muscles because it can lead to increased client satisfaction and positive word-of-mouth referrals. When patients experience the benefits of relaxed muscles and improved outcomes from their treatments, they are more likely to recommend the therapist to others and continue seeking their services in the future.

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The Richway Biomat is a game-changer for acupuncturists, physical therapists, massage therapists, and chiropractors. Its ability to relax muscles of patients makes their jobs easier and more effective. By incorporating the Biomat into their treatments, these professionals can enhance the overall experience for their patients and achieve better results. Whether it's relaxing muscles, promoting blood circulation, reducing pain and inflammation, or improving the effectiveness of their own treatments, the Biomat offers numerous benefits that can greatly support the work of these healthcare practitioners. With its advanced technology and proven results, the Richway Biomat is a valuable tool that every acupuncturist, physical therapist, massage therapist, and chiropractor should consider incorporating into their practice.