Unlocking the Secrets of Detoxification with the Amethyst Biomat

Posted by BiomatStores.com on 30th Oct 2023

Unlocking the Secrets of Detoxification with the Amethyst Biomat

What is Detoxification of the Body?

Detoxification is a natural process that occurs in our bodies to eliminate harmful toxins and waste products. It involves the organs and systems responsible for filtering and eliminating toxins, including the liver, kidneys, lungs, skin, digestive system, and lymphatic system. When these organs are functioning optimally, they help remove harmful substances from our bodies, promoting overall health and well-being.

Toxins can accumulate in our bodies due to various factors such as pollution, poor diet, stress, and exposure to chemicals. Over time, these toxins can lead to a range of health issues, including fatigue, digestive problems, weakened immune systems, chronic pain, and chronic diseases.

During detox, our bodies expel various types of toxins and wastes. These include metabolic waste products like carbon dioxide and urea, which are byproducts of cellular metabolism. Detoxification also eliminates environmental toxins such as heavy metals, pesticides, and pollutants that we are exposed to through our diet, air, and water. Additionally, detoxifying helps eliminate excess hormones, drugs, and alcohol from our system.  

The process of detoxification involves two main steps: phase 1 and phase 2. In phase 1, toxins are broken down into smaller molecules, making them easier to eliminate. However, these smaller molecules can still be harmful if not properly eliminated. This is where phase 2 comes in. In phase 2, the broken-down toxins are further processed and transformed into water-soluble compounds that can be easily excreted through urine, sweat, and feces.

Detoxification can be supported and enhanced through various methods, including dietary changes, lifestyle modifications, supplementation, and infrared therapy. Many people choose to engage in specific detox programs or cleanses to help facilitate the detoxification process and improve their overall health. However, using the Amethyst Biomat for detoxification allows for more control of detoxifying the body.  Helping the body detoxify is a good habit to have, but having control means you can slow down or speed up the process. 

Detoxifying too fast can lead to side effects such as headaches, fatigue, irritability, dizziness, nausea, digestive issues, muscle aches, skin breakouts, and a weakened immune system. It is important to detoxify at a safe and gradual pace. The Biomat allows you to decide how fast you detox.


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Health Benefits of Detoxification

Improved Digestion

Detoxification can help improve digestive function by eliminating toxins and waste products that may be hindering the absorption of nutrients. This can lead to better nutrient assimilation and improved digestive health.

Increased Energy Levels

By eliminating toxins, the body's energy levels improve, and feelings of fatigue are reduced. When the body is burdened with toxins, it can affect energy production and overall vitality.

Enhanced Immune Function

A healthy detox process supports the immune system by removing harmful substances that can compromise immune function. This can help strengthen the body's natural defense mechanisms and reduce the risk of infections and illnesses.

Clearer Skin

Eliminating wastes from the body can promote clearer and healthier skin by removing toxins that can contribute to skin issues such as acne, eczema, and dullness. Many people report improved complexion and a more radiant appearance after a detox.

Weight Loss

Detoxification can support weight loss efforts by eliminating toxins and waste material that may contribute to weight gain and metabolic imbalances. By improving digestion, reducing inflammation, and enhancing liver function, detoxification can help optimize the body's natural fat-burning processes.

Mental Clarity and Improved Mood

Toxins can have a negative impact on brain function, leading to brain fog, poor concentration, and mood imbalances. Eliminating toxicity from the body can help clear the mind, improve focus, and promote a more positive mood.

Reduced Inflammation

Chronic inflammation is associated with various health conditions, including cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and autoimmune disorders. Detoxifying can help reduce inflammation by eliminating toxins that contribute to systemic inflammation.

Balanced Hormones

Hormonal imbalances can lead to a range of symptoms, including mood swings, irregular menstrual cycles, and decreased libido. Ridding the body of toxins and waste can help balance hormones by supporting liver function, which is crucial for hormone metabolism and elimination.

Improved Sleep Quality

Detoxification can promote better sleep by reducing the body's toxic load and promoting relaxation. Many people report improved sleep quality and a more restful night's sleep after a detox.

Overall Wellness

Detoxes are a holistic approach to health that supports the body's natural detoxification processes, promoting overall wellness and vitality. By reducing the toxic burden on the body, detoxification can help prevent chronic diseases and promote longevity.

It is important to note that detoxifying the body should be approached with caution and under the guidance of a healthcare professional. It is not recommended for everyone, especially those with certain medical conditions or during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Consulting with a healthcare provider can help determine if detoxification is appropriate and safe for individual needs.

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How Does the Amethyst Biomat Promote Detoxification?

The Amethyst Biomat is a unique and innovative device that combines the healing properties of amethyst crystals, far infrared rays, and negative ions to promote detoxification in the body. This state-of-the-art technology has gained popularity in the wellness industry due to its ability to support the body's natural detoxification processes as well as many other health benefits.

The Amethyst Biomat promotes detoxification through several mechanisms. Firstly, the amethyst crystals used in the Biomat emit far infrared rays, which penetrate 6-8 inches deep into the human body, causing a gentle heating effect. This infrared heat therapy raises body temperature and stimulates the sweat glands, leading to increased perspiration. Sweat is one of the primary ways our bodies eliminate toxins, and by inducing sweating, the Biomat supports the natural detoxification process.

In addition to promoting sweating, the far infrared rays emitted by the Biomat also help to improve circulation by expanding blood vessels. This increased blood flow allows for better oxygenation and nutrient delivery to cells, while also aiding in the removal of waste products and toxins. Improved blood circulation can support the body's natural detoxification mechanisms, as it helps to flush out toxins more efficiently.

Furthermore, the Amethyst Biomat produces negative ions, which are molecules that have an extra electron. These negative ions are found abundantly in natural environments such as forests, waterfalls, and beaches, and have been shown to have numerous health benefits. Negative ions help to neutralize harmful free radicals in the body, which can cause oxidative stress and damage cells. By reducing oxidative stress, negative ions support the body's detoxification processes and promote overall well-being.  They also speed up cellular metabolic processes, allowing cells to replicate faster thus speeding up healing.  The quicker communication between cells also allows for a molecular level massage that results in faster detoxification at a cellular level. Most forms of pollution, toxic chemicals, pet dander, pollen, mold, and other harmful chemicals in the air carry a positive electrical charge, making them positive ions. These positive ions are then attracted to ions with a negative charge and escorted out of the body.  The more negative ions in the body, the better.

The combination of amethyst crystals, far infrared rays, and negative ions in the Amethyst Biomat creates a synergistic effect that enhances the body's ability to cleanse itself. The gentle heat generated by the infrared light produced by the Biomat promotes sweating and increased circulation, while the far infrared rays and negative ions support the body's natural detox mechanisms. This holistic approach to detoxification can help to remove harmful toxins from the body, improve overall health, and promote a sense of well-being.

It is important to note that while the Amethyst Biomat can be a valuable tool in supporting detoxification, it is not a substitute for a healthy lifestyle. A balanced diet, regular exercise, and adequate hydration are essential for optimal detoxification and overall wellness. The Biomat can be used as a complementary therapy to enhance the body's natural detoxification processes and promote a healthier, toxin-free body.

The Amethyst Biomat is a FDA-Approved Medical Device

The Richway Biomat has received approval from the United States FDA as a Class II Medical Device. Its 510K indications specify that it is authorized for providing temporary relief for various conditions, including minor muscle pain, joint pain, joint stiffness, arthritis pain, muscle spasms, sprains and strains, muscular back pain, and body pain. Additionally, the Biomat is known to induce the relaxation of muscles and enhance circulation.

The Biomat is also known to detoxify the body, improve sleep, and strengthen the immune system. 

Man's face sweating.

What to Expect When Incorporating Biomat Sessions Into Your Daily Routine

Detoxification and Healing Crisis

When using the Amethyst Biomat for detoxification and cleansing, it is common to experience symptoms of detoxification, also known as a "healing crisis." These symptoms may include increased bowel movements and urination, slight nausea, mild headaches, and various discharges such as mucus or skin breakouts.

The Amethyst Biomat provides the body with a continuous stream of infrared waves that allow the body to eliminate accumulated waste and toxins that have been stored in the tissues, cells, and organs for many years. These toxins are expelled as phlegm, mucus, and other forms.

Although the detoxification process may cause some discomfort, it is crucial to go through it as it leads to a new level of vitality. This process is often referred to as a "healing crisis." It is important to differentiate between a healing crisis and a disease crisis, as suppressing the healing process with medication can weaken the body and make it more susceptible to diseases.

During a healing crisis, it is recommended to support the process by drinking plenty of liquids, keeping warm, resting, and engaging in exercises that promote lymphatic movement. This helps facilitate the rapid elimination of toxins and disease elements that manifest as phlegm, catarrh, mucus, fever, and other symptoms. This process is nature's way of correcting internal imbalances and is known as the "reversal process."

Initially, a lack of energy may be experienced during a healing crisis. This is because the body is undergoing deep cellular cleansing and restoration, which requires a significant amount of energy. By continuing the cleansing program and staying hydrated, the body can easily navigate through the healing crisis. Exercise, such as walking, rebounding, or yoga, can further enhance circulation and flush the lymphatics.

If the healing crisis persists for more than two weeks, it is advisable to consult with a healthcare practitioner experienced in detoxification and healing crisis processes.

With regular use of the Amethyst Biomat, the body becomes stronger and healthier, and its vital force increases. It is important to note that deep healing crises may occur over time as more accumulated toxins are eliminated. However, each healing crisis leads to higher levels of vitality and overall well-being.

No Immediate Results

Sometimes, the effects of the Amethyst Biomat may not be immediately noticeable at a conscious level, as it works on deep cellular levels and prioritizes the body's needs. However, many users have reported significant improvements in cholesterol levels, blood pressure, blood sugar levels, and immune system function after regular medical check-ups, even without being consciously aware of the process.

Highlighting of Weaknesses

The Amethyst Biomat's work in assisting the body's cleansing, balancing, and restoration processes may bring attention to previously unknown areas of weakness. As the body undergoes these processes, you may become aware of these weaknesses. It is not uncommon for individuals to gradually decrease their medication dosages as the body becomes healthier and more balanced.

Best Advice for Minimizing Healing Crisis

For years, there wasn't a user manual for the Amethyst Biomat.  The reason for this is simple: there is no way to provide a formula for use when every single person using one is different from the rest.  Some people are young, some older.  Some people are healthy, some people are not.  Some people smoke, over-eat, and drink alcohol and some don't.  And even if you had two identical people in all these aspects, the way they detoxify may be different.  Some people sweat a lot and some people eliminate more toxins in their urine.  Some people can handle more detox at once than others.

Eventually, Richway produced a user manual but it just goes over the controller settings.  It doesn't give you any advice on how to use it.  Because not only is everyone different physiologically, but everyone also has different goals.  Some people buy Biomats to detox.  Some buy them for pain relief, some for deep relaxation, and so on.  There will and can never be a "formula".

But we can give you this advice.

If you haven't recently been using an Amethyst Biomat or have never used one, go slow at first.  We suggest using it for about 20 minutes on a low to medium setting (see How To Use the Biomat for setting recommendations).  Get off and wait a day and see how you feel.  If you feel good, then bump up the time or temperature just a little depending on your goals.  If the goal is to detox, bump up the temperature. If it's to relax, the time.  Gradually bump up both until you reach the time and temperature you want to use.  If you are consistent, you should be able to do that, even at the high temperatures, after a couple of weeks.

However, if at any time you feel queasy or light-headed, back down the time and temperature, use it there for a couple of days, then gradually, a little at a time, start bumping time and temperature back up a little at a time.

Queasiness or light-headedness is just your body's natural way of saying, "HEY! You're detoxing too fast! Slow down a little."  And if you follow the steps above, you will be fine.

We sincerely hope this helps and if you have any other questions, PLEASE! Don't hesitate to call us at 850-348-1541.

Want to read more about the Biomat and detoxification? Infrared Thermotherapy and Detoxification

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