The Healing Power of Far Infrared Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide

Posted by on 27th Nov 2023

The Healing Power of Far Infrared Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide


Far infrared radiation (FIR) has been studied for its biological effects and potential medical applications. In this blog post, we will explore the health benefits that FIR radiation (thermal therapy, aka infrared therapy) can have on the human body.

What is FIR radiation?

FIR radiation is a subdivision of the electromagnetic spectrum that falls between 3-100 μm in wavelength. It lies between the long wavelength red edge of visible light and the short edge of terahertz radiation. Unlike other forms of radiation, FIR transfers energy purely in the form of heat. Although it cannot be seen by the human eye, the body experiences FIR energy as a gentle radiant heat.

FIR Radiation and Health

Biological effects of FIR

FIR radiation has been shown to have various biological effects on living organisms. At the cellular level, FIR interacts with cell membranes and alters mitochondrial metabolism. The energy from FIR is absorbed by vibrational levels of bonds in molecules, leading to positive changes in cell membrane potentials and cellular frequencies. FIR has also been observed to resonate with cellular frequencies, resulting in increased epidermal temperature and prolonged eurythermal response.

One of the key advantages of FIR therapy is its ability to improve blood circulation. Studies have shown that FIR waves can enhance blood flow by stimulating the production of nitric oxide in the endothelial cells, which helps relax and expand blood vessels. Improved circulation promotes the delivery of oxygen and nutrients to various organs and tissues in the body, aiding in their proper functioning. This is particularly beneficial for individuals with cardiovascular issues or those looking to enhance their overall wellness.

One of the significant benefits of far infrared therapy is its potential to improve cardiovascular health. Studies have shown that far IR light can increase nitric oxide production, leading to vasodilation and improved blood flow. This can be especially beneficial for individuals with high blood pressure and impaired blood flow through major arteries. In addition, far infrared therapy has been found to have positive effects on conditions like congestive heart failure and peripheral arterial disease.

Far infrared sauna with

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Another of the key benefits of far infrared thermal therapy is its ability to remove chemicals and heavy metals from the body. As the body heats up, it helps to release toxins through sweating, effectively detoxifying the body. This can be especially beneficial for individuals who have been exposed to environmental pollutants or toxins in their daily lives.

Far infrared heat therapy has also been shown to have immune-boosting properties. By raising body temperature, this therapy can help fight off infections and strengthen the immune system, making it beneficial for overall health.

Furthermore, reducing inflammation is another significant benefit of far infrared therapy. Chronic inflammation is often linked to various diseases, and the heat from the sauna can help reduce inflammation levels in the body. This makes it a potential treatment option for individuals with conditions such as heart disease, Type 2 diabetes, and autoimmune diseases.

Metabolic benefits have also been observed with far infrared heat therapy. It has been shown to improve fasting blood sugar levels, possibly by increasing blood flow and facilitating glucose uptake from the blood. This can be beneficial for individuals with diabetes or those at risk of developing the disease.

Weight loss is another positive outcome that can be achieved through the use of far infrared devices. Using the them raises heart rate and lowers blood pressure, simulating cardiovascular exercise. This can help individuals in their weight loss journey by burning calories and increasing metabolism.

Far infrared therapy has also been found to alleviate pain in various conditions. It has shown promising results in reducing low back pain, muscle pain, joint pain, chronic pain, and postoperative pain in orthopedic surgery. Fibromyalgia patients have experienced a reduction in pain during therapy sessions and in long-term follow-ups. Additionally, far infrared therapy has shown potential in improving cognitive function in individuals with brain diseases and traumatic brain injury. It can also help immensely with the pain of arthritis.

Reducing stress is another remarkable advantage of far infrared heat therapy. The heat and relaxation experienced during a sauna session can help transition the body from a stressed state to a more relaxed and parasympathetic mode. This shift allows the body to detoxify and heal more effectively, helping individuals manage chronic stress and promote overall well-being.

Reducing stress and increasing circulation lead to the relaxation of muscles.

Furthermore, far infrared therapy has been explored as a potential treatment for dementia. Preliminary studies have demonstrated significant improvements in cognitive functioning, cerebral blood flow, and other markers of cognitive health in patients with dementia.

Aside from its health benefits, far infrared heat therapy also has beauty benefits. It has been shown to improve skin appearance and rejuvenation without causing skin trauma. Additionally, it has demonstrated effectiveness in treating hair loss, stimulating growth factors, and promoting hair growth.

Medical applications of FIR

FIR has been used as a therapeutic modality for various medical conditions. It is often referred to as "biogenetic radiation" due to its ability to stimulate cells and tissues. One of the most common ways to deliver FIR radiation is through FIR saunas and mats (far infrared heating pads). These devices emit pure FIR radiation and have been found to be safe and effective in generating therapeutic effects. FIR heat lamps and garments made with FIR emitting fabrics are other methods used to deliver FIR radiation to the body.

Far-Infrared Therapy has been widely used by medical professionals for the relief of sports injuries, detoxification, and even in hospital nurseries to warm newborns. It is considered an effective, safe, and natural approach to thermal treatment. While more research needs to be conducted to establish the full extent of the benefits of FIR Therapy, existing research and patient testimonials suggest that it can also help with pain relief, relaxation, detoxification, and immune system enhancement.

Female doctor with surgical mask on putting on a glove

Biomedical laboratory studies using FIR sources

Several laboratory studies have investigated the biological effects of FIR radiation. In vitro studies have shown that low non-thermal doses of FIR radiation can inhibit cell proliferation and the phosphorylation of certain proteins in endothelial cells. FIR exposure has also been found to stimulate nitric oxide generation and enhance the expression of specific proteins involved in microcirculation. In animal models, FIR therapy has been shown to accelerate wound healing and increase angiogenesis.

Hypothesis for molecular and cellular mechanisms of FIR effects

The exact molecular and cellular mechanisms through which FIR radiation exerts its effects are still being researched. It is believed that water content plays a critical role in the interaction between FIR and biological systems. Water molecules in biological systems can associate with the electromagnetic field generated by FIR radiation, affecting the dielectric properties of tissues. Changes in the molecular environment caused by solvation or confinement can also influence the absorption spectrum of FIR radiation.


Far infrared radiation (FIR) has been shown to have various biological effects and is considered a promising treatment modality for certain medical conditions. Advances in technology have provided new techniques for delivering far infrared radiant heat to the human body, including infrared heating pads, infrared saunas and garments made with FIR emitting fabrics. While further research is needed to fully understand the molecular and cellular mechanisms of FIR effects, the therapeutic benefits of FIR radiation are becoming increasingly recognized.

Amethyst Biomat Professional

The Richway Biomat

The Richway Biomat is a revolutionary product that utilizes infrared therapy to provide numerous health benefits. This cutting-edge technology combines far-infrared rays, negative ions, and amethyst crystals to create a unique healing experience. The Biomat emits far-infrared rays, which penetrate deep into the body, promoting circulation, reducing inflammation, and stimulating cellular repair. The negative ions produced by the Biomat help to neutralize harmful free radicals and enhance overall well-being. The infrared therapy is created by heating amethyst which naturally produces far infrared rays so that those rays become 200 times stronger than they are normally. This allows them to penetrate 6-8 inches into the body, nourishing it with infrared heat. The combination of these three elements creates a therapeutic environment that aids in pain management, detoxification, improved sleep, and enhanced immune function. The Richway Biomat is an effective and natural way to support overall health and well-being.


Far infrared radiation (FIR): its biological effects and medical applications - PMC

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